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Darshana Sawant

President, Forum For Autism- Speaker TEDxRAPodarCollege 2024


Darshana Sawant is a mother who has not only rocked the cradle, but she is also the one who went against the current to give her son the best! Her talk has highlighted the nuanced journey of Varun becoming the distinct and remarkable Varun Rajesh Sawant. Despite being on the spectrum, he has found the calm and order in this chaos and this speech unravels the trick to the trade - a mantra, a secret for all - the structure for you!


Kunal Motling

Mime Artist - Speaker TEDxRAPodarCollege 2023


Mime artist, Mr. Kunal Motling, enacts this beautiful talk where he shows how we all look for that secret ingredient to make our lives complete. The life around us has evolved surprisingly fast and has left us struggling to cope with the dynamics of this challenging environment. But eventually, we find the key to our happiness, to our peace within ourselves.


Archit Gokhale

Amateur Astronomer, CA Aspirant, a student of

R. A. Podar College of Commerce and Economics (Autonomous)​ - Speaker TEDxRAPodarCollege 2022


He is an amateur astronomer, a CA aspirant and a student of our very own College. Having conducted various research studies and multiple webinars as well as two published books on Astronomy with his name, he is ready to set our minds on a journey across universe on a quest to unravel the secrets within! Are you?


Isha Damle

Para swimmer, HSC Board topper, a student of

R. A. Podar College of Commerce and Economics (Autonomous)​ - Speaker TEDxRAPodarCollege 2021


She is one of us. A simple college-going student, and a few extra-curricular activities on the sides, she just seems to be moving around in the mundanity. But then, what propelled her to achieve the extra-ordinary? And what led her to define a new normal?


Saini Krishnamurthy

Trekker, Strategic Consultant - Speaker - TEDxRAPodarCollege 2019


She is a Chartered Accountant having secured an AIR of 6, an avid trekker who has trekked to the Himalayan base camp, and hence, an expert at striking balances - be it work-life balance or a balance of the physical and mental strengths.


Sumeet Patil

Art Director- Speaker TEDxRAPodarCollege 2024


Synesthetic Teaching defies the constraints of perception. Synesthesia, a sensory phenomenon where stimulation in one sense prompts experiences in another, becomes a powerful tool in education. By interconnecting senses, Synesthetic Teaching elevates learning, fostering improved memory retention and comprehension. The central message we aim to convey in this discussion is that 'Synesthetic Teaching' presents an innovative approach to broaden our grasp of perception and elevate the educational journey.


Aryan Joshi

Chess player, a student of R. A. Podar College of Commerce and Economics (Autonomous)​ - Speaker TEDxRAPodarCollege 2023


The idea of seeing beyond sight is presented in a new light via this talk by Mr. Aryan Joshi, an international chess player. Our brain is a wonderful creation. As we progress through time, the idea of senses and brain function has broadened to accommodate "perception". He co-relates the chessboard to our multifaceted mind and offers a refreshing take on the concept.


Rhea Mehta

Luxury Lighting & Installation Designer - Speaker TEDxRAPodarCollege 2022


She is a luxury lighting and installation designer, with the superpower to turn luminous objects into creative wonders. If you are ever intrigued by the intricacies of the power of a setting, worry not because she will definitely shed some light on it!


Shubhangi Bhor

One of the first female firefighters of the Mumbai division - Speaker TEDxRAPodarCollege 2021


Putting out kitchen fires is easy, yet for a woman, putting out fires as a trained professional seems like a daunting idea to many. A talk that looks forward to explore more into exactly what is burning as an award-winning female firefighter in Mumbai, India!


Parul Kumtha

Architect - Speaker - TEDxRAPodarCollege 2019​


She is the Parent Founder - Trustee of the Forum for Autism and an architect focusing on Universal Design and Sustainability. She believes that inclusion is the philosophy of the future.


Sudhana Sankar

Professional Dancer, Actor, and Model- Speaker TEDxRAPodarCollege 2024


Sudhana Sankar's TEDx talk explores Abhinaya, an ancient Indian art form, as a potent catalyst for life change. Her personal journey of resilience, post a knee injury, illustrates how Abhinaya's elements (attire, body language, communication, emotions) form a universal language, enabling personal transformation. Sudhana's story inspires embracing change, using expressive power to overcome challenges, and pursuing aspirations.


Anuradha Sovani

Psychologist & Psychotherapist - Speaker TEDxRAPodarCollege 2023


Dr. Anuradha Sovani is a psychologist and a psychotherapist who has been penning stories for young children to inculcate values of inclusiveness and tolerance. Youth is the future and to ensure a brighter future, we need to guide the upcoming generations. But how do we do that? This talk is an attempt to present storytelling as an invaluable tool to bridge the world together.


Pavitra Krishna Bhat

Bharatanatyam Performer and Teacher - Speaker TEDxRAPodarCollege 2022


Classical dances like Bharatanatyam have come a long way from their ancient roots and yet the dance pieces and music are still a solid reflection of what used to be. He, is an excellent performer and one of the most graceful Bharatanatyam dancers you will ever encounter. Join us to hear him elaborate about grace & innovations in the field of Classical dance.


Shalini Kedia

Founder and chairperson, Fragile X society, India.

​ - Speaker TEDxRAPodarCollege 2021


Where many people think that they have hit the end, she considers it her job to show them the beginning. Being one of the very few people to raise awareness about the Fragile X syndrome and the person who founded the Fragile X Society in India, her journey has not been an easy one, but has created large ripples.


Rama Khandwala

Nationalist - Speaker - TEDxRAPodarCollege 2019​


A freedom fighter. A nurse. A secretary. A tourist guide - and even at the age of 92, a true Indian. She personifies the spirit of contributing to the country, making it the purpose of her life, thereby going beyond the borders of nationalism.

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